Online Meditation and Chanting Circle
facilitated by Fi Sutherland Next Circle 13th March

Each session is facilitated by Fi who will gently guide you into the heart through the use of silence, visualisation and sacred sound. Previous experience of meditation is not necessary.
Thursday Evening Circle
The Circle is open to beginners as well as experienced meditators. It is an opportunity for us to join together and co-create a beautiful and powerful sacred space for spiritual practice and inner connection. In this way we support ourselves and each other to connect with our essential nature of love.
Through our chanting and meditation we clear the obstacles that prevent us from experiencing and embodying our inner Light and activate the enlightened qualities that lie within our sacred heart centre.
In this video Fi Sutherland is interviewed by Lisa Clifford for her "Meant for More": Podcast. Fi speaks about her journey of awakening, following her heart's path, and her near death experience in Peru.
Fi Sutherland guides you through a practice for the Guru Rinpoche Mantra, to manifest your Divine power, Divine love and Divine wisdom – the inner pillars that support your awakening
Circle Dates and Practices
The Circle meets on Thursdays from 7.00pm-8.30pm (uk)
Theme for the Circles​​​​​​​​​​
Having focussed on the Divine Feminine Power of some of the Sacred Feminine Deities at the start of the year, in the next Circles we will focus on the Divine Power of some of the Sacred Masculine Dieties
13 Mar – Avalokiteshvara – Sacred Lotus Mantra - radiating the Light of Compassion
20 Mar – Guru Rinpoche Mantra – radiating the Light of the Vajra
27 Mar – Hanuman Mantra – to heal and transform the ego mind
03 Apr – no Circle
10 Apr – Medicine Buddha Mantra – eliminating the conditioning
Investment for the Circle is £10.00 – payment can be made either through bank transfer
(email Fi – fi@isis-school.com for bank details) or by PayPal using – fi@isis-school.com
Please pay for the Circle and then Fi will send you the link.
(Fees are non refundable and non transferable)

For me something magical / transformative happens on a Thursday evening when our Meditation Circle comes together energetically to chant. I feel a vibration rising. During the meditative part of the circle which follows, I feel the integration of the energy and often feel light wrapping around me.
I feel that because Fi holds such a beautiful safe supportive healing space for co- creation, amazing things can and do happen. Thank you so much Fi for sharing your beautiful light with us, and thank you to all that I share this special time with.