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Video Recordings Journeys, Meditations and Visualisations 


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Meditation   Connecting to Earth & Star of Origin

Meditation Connecting to Earth & Star of Origin

Fi Sutherland, Spiritual Teacher of the the ISIS School of Holistic Health, facilitates a meditation practice in which we connect with the Earth, our Star of Origin, and our heart centre, and share the gift that we brought to the Earth before we incarnated. Fi is intimately aware of the human conditioning and uses her skills, experience and heartfelt approach to support and inspire people, on an individual basis as well as in groups. Fi changed direction in her life in 2001 . Fi went from working in a graphic design company back to University to study Psychology. During this time she also completed a three-year Advanced Therapeutic Counselling Diploma, which opened up a whole new aspect to her life. In 2007 when she was 50, Fi made a commitment to follow her heart’s calling and to fully immerse herself iin her spiritual path. In 2009 her personal journey took a powerful and profound shift when she had a near death experience, while in a coma, in Peru. Fi woke up from the coma in an awakened state, like a new-born child. Fi now works with powerful tools to help herself and others through the awakening process. Fi teaches meditation and chanting, having meditated daily since 1995. She also shares the Path of ISIS-The ancient Egyptian Mystery School teachings that have transformed her life. Coming Home – awakening through the stillness into the living light Fi's book tells the story of her spiritual awakening out of the ingrained behaviour patterns, thinking, and habits that controlled and directed her life for thirty-eight years, until her first wake-up call at a cinema in 1995 and her near death experience in 2009. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fi Sutherland as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
Meditation with Guru Rinpoche Mantra

Meditation with Guru Rinpoche Mantra

In this video Fi Sutherland guides us through a meditation practice in which we chant the Guru Rinpoche Mantra, the Mantra of Manifestation, to manifest our Divine power, love and wisdom. Fi is intimately aware of the human conditioning and uses her skills, experience and heartfelt approach to support and inspire people, on an individual basis as well as in groups. Fi changed direction in her life in 2001 . Fi went from working in a graphic design company back to University to study Psychology. During this time she also completed a three-year Advanced Therapeutic Counselling Diploma, which opened up a whole new aspect to her life. In 2007 when she was 50, Fi made a commitment to follow her heart’s calling and to fully immerse herself iin her spiritual path. In 2009 her personal journey took a powerful and profound shift when she had a near death experience, while in a coma, in Peru. Fi woke up from the coma in an awakened state, like a new-born child. Fi now works with powerful tools to help herself and others through the awakening process. Fi teaches meditation and chanting, having meditated daily since 1995. She also shares the Path of ISIS-The ancient Egyptian Mystery School teachings that have transformed her life. Coming Home – awakening through the stillness into the living light Fi's book tells the story of her spiritual awakening out of the ingrained behaviour patterns, thinking, and habits that controlled and directed her life for thirty-eight years, until her first wake-up call at a cinema in 1995 and her near death experience in 2009. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fi Sutherland as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
Spiritual Purification of thoughtforms and imprints

Spiritual Purification of thoughtforms and imprints

Spiritual purification of thoughtforms and imprints. We live in a third dimensional reality that is gradually changing into higher states, yet sometimes the world's energy, conditioning and programming can affect us and our way of thinking. How do we find and stay in our centre and Divine connection during times of chaos and collective fear? How do we stay in our power of mindful action instead of the collective fearful reaction? How do we energetically work to remove the spiritual imprints of thought forms, viruses and intrusions from the collective? We share a practice of spiritual purification that aims to help you develop a sense of peace, harmony and inner joy through light work. You will be working with the eight chakra above your crown, also known as the Star Chakra, to purify and remove any energies of the world. You will also access your own inner radiance in service to All, to transform the outer reality in line with your inner reality of being Source incarnated. Fotoula Adrimi is an experienced shamanic teacher and practitioner who has helped many people find their calling through the path of the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Shamanism and alternative spirituality. In 2006 she received an enormous body of spiritual wisdom through direct revelation from the Goddess Isis, called "The Seven Gates of Awareness" and she has been teaching it ever since. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is a member of Global Shamanic Teachers. She has been facilitating circles and workshops since 2009 and has been teaching shamanic practitioners and priestesses since 2012. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism and soul evolution. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fotoula Adrimi as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes.
Introductory talk on shamanism and power animal retrieval

Introductory talk on shamanism and power animal retrieval

Introductory talk by Fotoula Adrimi on shamanism and power animal retrieval. This online talk was organised by the Theosophical Society Scotland (Dundee Lodge). Fotoula gives a brief explanation of : - creating sacred space through connecting with the different categories of our helping spirits - connecting with the spirits of the land and guardians of the Earth where we live - journeying into alternative realities and vibrational planes - shamanic death, dismemberment and re-memberment - power animals And finally she leads us into a journey in the upper world where we first go through a process of purification and release to create space for a power (animal) retrieval. For more information on power retrieval and working to develop a healthy relationship with your power, you can also watch the ceremony Re-aligning with our Personal Power, based on Fotoula's nook: The Golden Book of Wisdom – ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times. Link for the ceremony: Fotoula Adrimi is a spiritual and shamanic teacher and works in The ISIS School of Holistic Health, Fotoula has also helped many people find their calling through the path of the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Shamanism and alternative spirituality. In 2006 she received an enormous body of spiritual wisdom through direct revelation from the Goddess Isis, called "The Seven Gates of Awareness" and she has been teaching it ever since. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is a member of Global Shamanic Teachers. She has been facilitating circles and workshops since 2009 and has been teaching shamanic practitioners and priestesses since 2012. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism and soul evolution. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fotoula Adrimi as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
Teachings on Meditation

Teachings on Meditation

Fi Sutherland, spiritual teacher and daily meditator of 23 years, talks about the practice of inner silence and the unveiling of the enlightened state. Both the conditioned mind and the enlightened mind lie within the heart centre. It is inside the heart that the masks of the conditioned world drop. Fi encourages us to meditate with gentleness, pacifying the conditioning and disengaging from the mind's stories so that we build inner connection and trust. Meditation opens the door to experience the beauty of the Divine within us. Fi is intimately aware of the human conditioning and uses her skills, experience and heartfelt approach to support and inspire people, on an individual basis as well as in groups. Fi changed direction in her life in 2001 . Fi went from working in a graphic design company back to University to study Psychology. During this time she also completed a three-year Advanced Therapeutic Counselling Diploma, which opened up a whole new aspect to her life. In 2007 when she was 50, Fi made a commitment to follow her heart’s calling and to fully immerse herself iin her spiritual path. In 2009 her personal journey took a powerful and profound shift when she had a near death experience, while in a coma, in Peru. Fi woke up from the coma in an awakened state, like a new-born child. Fi now works with powerful tools to help herself and others through the awakening process. Fi teaches meditation and chanting, having meditated daily since 1995. She also shares the Path of ISIS-The ancient Egyptian Mystery School teachings that have transformed her life. Coming Home – awakening through the stillness into the living light Fi's book tells the story of her spiritual awakening out of the ingrained behaviour patterns, thinking, and habits that controlled and directed her life for thirty-eight years, until her first wake-up call at a cinema in 1995 and her near death experience in 2009. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fi Sutherland as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
Shamanic Ceremony: The light of the sun and the dark of the moon

Shamanic Ceremony: The light of the sun and the dark of the moon

Fotoula Adrimi, shamanic practitioner and teacher, facilitates a ceremony that brings you into alignment with Earth and Sky. She talks about the light times of the sun and the dark times of the moon and how we can access these energies. This ceremony can be done any time, but also at the equinox when high vibrational energies flow to our planet. The aim of the ceremony is to manifest the spiritual gifts, we all carry, into the physical Earth reality. Fotoula has also helped many people find their calling through the path of the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Shamanism and alternative spirituality. In 2006 she received an enormous body of spiritual wisdom through direct revelation from the Goddess Isis, called "The Seven Gates of Awareness" and she has been teaching it ever since. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is a member of Global Shamanic Teachers. She has been facilitating circles and workshops since 2009 and has been teaching shamanic practitioners and priestesses since 2012. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism and soul evolution. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fotoula Adrimi as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
The Ancient Greek Mysteries of Hieros Gamos

The Ancient Greek Mysteries of Hieros Gamos

This is a talk by Fotoula Adrimi, shamanic teacher and teacher of the Path of ISIS and ancient Greek spirituality. The talk took place on 19 October 2017, organised by the West Of Scotland Dowsers in Glasgow. Fotoula delves in the ancient wisdom of her Greek ancestors and explains the three stages of the Kavirian Mysteries: Purification, Initiation and Communion with the Divine. She analyses the concept of Hieros Gamos and takes us into a shamanic journey based on the mysteries, to experience the union with our eternal spirit. Fotoula has also helped many people find their calling through the path of the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Shamanism and alternative spirituality. In 2006 she received an enormous body of spiritual wisdom through direct revelation from the Goddess Isis, called "The Seven Gates of Awareness" and she has been teaching it ever since. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is a member of Global Shamanic Teachers. She has been facilitating circles and workshops since 2009 and has been teaching shamanic practitioners and priestesses since 2012. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism and soul evolution. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fotoula Adrimi as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
Teachings on unconditional love

Teachings on unconditional love

Fi Sutherland, spiritual teacher, talks about unconditional love as the essence of our spirit. She makes the distinction between human love, linked to emotions and the outside world, and unconditional love as the expression of our inner spirit. This is a love beyond the mind and earthly expectations of being met. This is the love of pure spirit that accepts us no matter who we are and what we have done. Unconditional love is found in the union with the Divine Heart within. Fi is intimately aware of the human conditioning and uses her skills, experience and heartfelt approach to support and inspire people, on an individual basis as well as in groups. Fi changed direction in her life in 2001 . Fi went from working in a graphic design company back to University to study Psychology. During this time she also completed a three-year Advanced Therapeutic Counselling Diploma, which opened up a whole new aspect to her life. In 2007 when she was 50, Fi made a commitment to follow her heart’s calling and to fully immerse herself iin her spiritual path. In 2009 her personal journey took a powerful and profound shift when she had a near death experience, while in a coma, in Peru. Fi woke up from the coma in an awakened state, like a new-born child. Fi now works with powerful tools to help herself and others through the awakening process. Fi teaches meditation and chanting, having meditated daily since 1995. She also shares the Path of ISIS-The ancient Egyptian Mystery School teachings that have transformed her life. Coming Home – awakening through the stillness into the living light Fi's book tells the story of her spiritual awakening out of the ingrained behaviour patterns, thinking, and habits that controlled and directed her life for thirty-eight years, until her first wake-up call at a cinema in 1995 and her near death experience in 2009. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fi Sutherland as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.
Shamanic Journey: Merging with our shamanic spirit and power animal

Shamanic Journey: Merging with our shamanic spirit and power animal

In this shamanic ceremony, you merge with your shamanic ancestral helping spirit and then your power animal for the purpose of shamanic healing. Fotoula Adrimi, shamanic teacher, guides you through the creation of sacred space, invocation to the helping spirits and finally a deep merging with these spiritual energies of the light through the drum for the purpose of shamanic healing. The video includes a channelling from one of the shamanic ancestors, a grandmother who talks about shamanism in ancient times and offers support to the spiritual and shamanic practitioners of today. The grandmother helping spirit also stresses the need for personal work as this path is both challenging and blissful. For more information on shamanism and working to develop a healthy relationship with your helping spirits and power animals, you can also read Fotoula's book: The Golden Book of Wisdom – ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times. . Fotoula Adrimi is a spiritual and shamanic teacher, teaching shamanic practitioners and works in The ISIS School of Holistic Health, Fotoula has also helped many people find their calling through the path of the ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Shamanism and alternative spirituality. In 2006 she received an enormous body of spiritual wisdom through direct revelation from the Goddess Isis, called "The Seven Gates of Awareness" and she has been teaching it ever since. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is a member of Global Shamanic Teachers. She has been facilitating circles and workshops since 2009 and has been teaching shamanic practitioners and priestesses since 2012. Her first book, an Amazon UK bestseller, “The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times” is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism and soul evolution. We offer these videos and meditations free of charge, but we welcome donations to support our work. If you would like to donate, you can do so through Paypal: Alternatively, you can email us for our bank details. Your support is very much appreciated. Disclaimer: Fotoula Adrimi as the author of this video and The ISIS School of Holistic Health do not offer medical advice or advocate the use of any spiritual techniques as a form of medical treatment for physical or mental illness without the advise of a physician. The intent of the video is to offer information of a general nature to help the reader in their spiritual journey, without advocating that any of the content is scientifically proven. In the event you use any of the information on this present video, which is your right, the author and The ISIS School of Holistic Health assume no responsibility for any outcomes. None of these concepts have been scientifically proven and no claims are made as to their effectiveness. This information is for demonstration purposes only.

The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd


March 2025 Newsletter

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