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Rays of Divine Consciousness Shamanic Retreat

The Rays of Divine Consciousness Shamanic Retreat

Tues 27th May – Sun 1st June

The Rays of Divine Consciousness Shamanic Retreat combines Shamanic and Spiritual Practices with Initiation and Ceremonies in Sacred Sites. It is an intensive and fully immersive experience.

The Rays of Divine Consciousness Spiritual Practice 

The retreat is for anyone who wishes to advance their spiritual path. It is both a shamanic retreat and a healing retreat. And during our time together you will be given spiritual practices that will support your soul’s growth and allow you to transmit light to the world for the highest good of all beings.


In the Retreat we will share teachings on classic shamanism as well as the shamanism of the ancestors of the land who built the standing stones and cairns and left their mark through the ancient petroglyphs. In this most sacred of places we will also share the teachings and spiritual practices for the Rays of Divine Consciousness, which have the potential to transform your spiritual DNA and awareness, and heal and purify karma. 


Fotoula received the Rays teachings through direct revelation on top of Dunadd Hill, Kilmartin Glen, Scotland, in 2012. 

In the Retreat Participants will:

✦  Take part in a ceremony on the ancient hill of Dunadd,   

✦  Receive the Opening of the Crown Initiation that enables you to channel the Rays of Divine Consciousness, 

✦  Participate in Shamanic Ceremony in one of the Sacred Sites in Kilmartin Glen,

✦  Take part in a New Moon Fire Ceremony, 

✦  Explore connections with the energies of the astral bodies through the petroglyphs that have been left on the land by the ancient people.

✦  Practice the Rays of Divine Consciousness teachings that have the potential to re-activate your spiritual DNA, 

✦  Take part in a karma purification ceremony.  

The Rays Shamanic Retreat

The Venue for The Retreat 

We will stay in Kilmichael Glen, in three cottages, each with its own living space, kitchen, bedrooms and bathroom. Accommodation is shared in twin rooms. There are three small bedrooms available for single occupancy. 


Our workshop space is in a beautifully converted barn next to the cottages. Meals can be taken in the barn’s dining room, or outside in the garden tables, weather permitting. The retreat venue is in a beautiful part of the Scottish countryside with green hills around and a stream running through the land. There is also a hot tub available for our use. 

Course Cost and Start and Finish Times

The fees for the retreat include: teachings and workshop, residential accommodation in shared rooms, vegetarian lunch and dinner (please bring your own breakfast - there are cooking facilities in each cottage). Coffees, teas and herbal teas are provided.


Booking is essential as places are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis.


The Retreat starts with dinner at 6.00pm on Tuesday 27th May. You are welcome to arrive from 4.00pm.

The Retreat finishes with lunch at 1.00pm on Sunday 1st June 2025.


Total Cost: £1,025.00   Deposit £325.00 secures your place.

Please note the deposit is non refundable and non transferrable.


Participants can also arrange with us to pay the course cost over monthly instalments before the course begins

Important Considerations

The retreat is vegetarian, and meals are prepared specifically for our group. If you have allergies or you are intolerant to gluten and dairy, please let us know and we will prepare a separate meal for you. 


The ceremony on the hill of Dunadd is a small climb of 175 feet over rocky ground. You do not need to be super fit to climb this hillock, but you know best what you are capable of. We will take time to climb up and help each other down. However, if this is not possible for you, you can still take part in the retreat, but miss this one ceremony. You can stay and relax or hold space in the retreat centre, and when we return, we will do the initiation for you in situ. 

For the other sacred sites a short walk will be required and this may also be up a fairly steep hill, from the parking lot to access the petroglyphs. For those of you who are physically challenged, you may need a walking stick to help you walk. 

An Ancient Sacred Land

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The Celtic land of Kilmartin Glen has been described as the Valley of the Kings. It is reputed that the Scottish Kings were crowned on the hill of Dunadd where an ancient footprint embedded in a rock can still be seen today. The footprint marks a powerpoint where etheric energies merge. It is on this hill that we will connect with the Ancient Ones, the wise ancestors, and the spirit of the land that calls us back to the Glen for sacred work. In Medieval times, the land became home to the Knights Templar who have left their mark. Tombstones of the knights can still be seen today in Kilmartin church.

Take Home Spiritual Teachings and Practice

The Rays of Divine Consciousness is a spiritual teaching that you can practice daily or as often as you wish. It consists of specific meditations that re-activate your spiritual DNA. There are 12 Rays and a master Ray. Each Ray may activate a different aspect of Divine Consciousness within us. In the Retreat we will introduce you to the First Ray which you need to practice for a while before you move on to other Rays. Particpants who have already received a particular Ray in a previous Retreat will move to the next Ray.

Support After the Retreat

During the Retreat we will share a transmission of the Rays with the world. We will all channel one of the Rays as an offering to the Earth and all life. After the Retreat we hold monthly transmissions of the Rays, where everyone is invited to take part via zoom, and channel the Rays and receive messages from the enlightened spirit guardians.


The Rays can become your daily meditation and spiritual practice.

Want to know about our lastest courses?

Testimonials from Rays Retreat Participants

“My wee heart is bursting with so much gratitude to you both for the most amazing 6 days.  Such a beautiful and supportive community that was created. Such an extremely powerful and transformational experience. At times it was a seesaw going between the bumpy moments of old stories and feelings bubbling to the surface alongside releasing the old and what no longer serves to being in those moments of absolute bliss, deep connection, realisation and knowing. The connection during the Rays meditations is something hard to describe but it most definitely felt like a homecoming . 


Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for all the support, love and help you provide in such abundance. I am truly grateful for everything” – Connie

“Thank you so much Fi & Fotoula for the most incredible week. I am honoured to have been part of it” – Sharon

“Thank you both for the compassion and the grace with which you held the space. I am so privileged to have walked in the footsteps of my ancestors guiding me back to my heart, so beautiful! As I was driving home I felt sad to be leaving, but so excited for my life and to be able to experience all of it! Blessed to have you as my teachers” – Lynne McD

“There are not enough words to describe last week – my heart is so full and the biggest gratitude to you both and all your spirit guides for everything. You both emanate so much love, beauty, and integrity in all that you do, share and are” – Lynne S


“Many thanks Fi and Fotoula for providing such an amazing retreat. You really provide a safe and supporting space for participants to face their fears and help them find their true path. Thank you so much” – Stephen

The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd


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