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The Prophecy – Spiritual Awakening

There is an ancient Egyptian prophecy that describes the time we live in; the time of chaos, when humanity disrespects the sacred. Severed from our spiritual nature and Divine connection, we fall into the conditioning of the mind. The prophecy says that the spiritual warrior of light, symbolised by HORAN, will rise within us. After his reign, the golden times of the heart will return.   

When we were born, we embodied the power of the Heart, Oneness. We had no conditioning, no patterns, no issues. We were a being of love. (Fi experienced this state of being the Heart, when she awoke after 4 days in a coma in 2009. All she felt was love, without any fear, judgement or thoughts).

The power of the heart

Growing up we enter the state of the conditioned mind. The egoic self looks for its place in the world, and develops its individuality by separating itself from others. Through spiritual awakening, we uncover the embodied Spirit. The Spirit knows the Heart and the Mind. It brings both together into Oneness, through the unveiling of the enlightened mind, and ascends into the Divine Self, transforming its earthly experience. 


The journey of the Soul in the Earth School

An ancient Egyptian Myth that explains the human predicament


In the Golden Times in Egypt, the good King, AUSIR, reigned. He was the embodiment of the heart. He was kind and generous and taught people how to live with compassion. He could not think bad of anyone and only saw the beauty of the Divine soul in everyone and everything. During his reign, the land and people prospered.


AUSIR's brother, SET, represented the mind. SET was jealous of AUSIR, the heart. He wanted to be the king. So, he set a trap. On AUSIR's birthday, SET brought a beautiful sarcophagus made of precious wood, proclaiming that it belonged to whoever fitted it exactly. Everyone tried the sarcophagus, but SET had made the wooden coffin to fit his brother. When AUSIR stepped into the sarcophagus, SET closed the lid and had the coffin thrown into the Nile. He then returned to the palace and sat on the throne of his brother. ISET, wife of AUSIR, sought AUSIR day and night. She eventually found AUSIR and took him back to the palace. SET pretended the whole thing was a joke that had gone wrong, and persuaded his brother that no harm was intended. AUSIR immediately forgave SET, and even considered he had caused SET worry. SET was livid. The mind wanted to rule. Next time, SET cut AUSIR into 14 pieces to ensure that he could not return. The mind killed the heart. 


ISET found all the pieces of AUSIR, apart from one, and put them together. She then joined with AUSIR in sacred union and became pregnant with HORAN. AUSIR the heart left for the domain of the dead. "I cannot stay in this world," he said. "I will move to the spiritual realms of the Light." The time of the heart was over. The mind now reigned, and the people grew unhappy but did not know why. They tried to work things out logically and did

not realise they were missing the heart. 


ISET hid HORAN from SET as he grew up until the time came for him to meet SET. HORAN represents the spirit who has to overcome the mind. HORAN knows the heart and has experienced the mind. He battles with the mind, for the mind does not relinquish its position easily. In the battle HORAN loses his left eye, his conditioned vision, and eventually gains the Utchat, the all-seeing eye, the enlightened vision. HORAN starts a new reign, where the awakened spirit is in charge. The people have awakened into their divinity. They experienced the loss of the heart and the supremacy of the mind, and then found the spiritual path back into their essential essence.


This and other myths are part of the teachings of the Path of ISIS Courses that focus on ancient Egyptian Spirituality as it now relates to our times. The links below will allow you to find out more about the Path of ISIS and these ancient teachings that are being reintroduced by the ISIS School of Holistic Health, guided by the Enlightened Goddess ISIS, or ISET as she was known in ancient Egypt, through her channel Fotoula Adrimi

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More about the Mystery School of ancient Egypt

There is a prophecy from ancient Egypt that humanity would fall into the ways of Set, the forces of chaos, created through the ego mind. This would be the time where the people forgot the ancient ways of Divine connection. Then, with the awakening of HORAN, the spirit, a different era would come. And after the era of HORAN, there is another golden time; the return of AUSIR, the return of the heart. This is the journey of the soul on Earth, individually and collectively. Overcoming the conditioned mind, we find the spirit and reconnect

with the heart. 

(Reference: Cott J (1987) The Search for Omm Sety Studio 33)

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