Shamanic Soul Retrieval Practitioner Course
Live Online 5 Day Course – 14-18th January 2026
This immersive five day Soul Retrieval Course is facilitated by experienced Shamanic Teacher and Practitioner Fotoula Adrimi. The Course is either for people who have already completed a lot of shamanic training and have attended a Shamanic Introduction Course that includes Power Retrieval. Or, it is for anyone who has already completed a two-day shamanic soul retrieval workshop with another teacher and who wishes to expand their knowledge and elevate their work, either personally, or to work with others.
Soul Retrieval – the Return of Lost Soul Parts
In shamanism another cause of dis-ease is soul loss. The shamanic belief is based on the fluidity of the soul. The body is viewed as a container, in which the soul resides. However, life and other people shake the container to such a degree, that the soul can fragment and spill out. Sometimes, we can also give our soul away to the people we love. There is a saying when we lose a loved one, “he took part of me with him.” In the shamanic belief, this is true.
In many cases people have lost soul parts as children. It may have been triggered by; separation from a parent or favourite toy, perceived unfair punishment, bullying, feeling isolated and unloved, a shock or surprise, an adult’s anger. Soul loss often occurs when people go to school.
Experiencing a traumatic event may also cause soul loss. Part of our soul leaves because it would have been too traumatic to experience the full extent of the event consciously. As a result we may find ourselves operating as if on automatic pilot, taking little pleasure from life. We may feel resentful and dissatisfied.
In violent situations the perpetrator unconsciously snatches the soul parts of their victim, so that they are under their control. This can be why victims of violence feel unable to react; they have been deprived of their own essence. However, soul essence is unique to the individual; it can help no other. So, if someone takes the soul essence of another, they are carrying a burden that will weigh heavily on them. When violence is committed the perpetrator’s soul may also fragment and soul parts leave the body.
In all instances of soul fragmentation and loss, it is vital for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health to bring the soul parts back. Soul loss creates an energy gap within our system, which causes dis-ease. Prolonged soul loss can result in loss of vitality, dissatisfaction and a lack of interest – it’s as if there is something missing from our life.
The shamanic practitioner journeys to the alternative realities and to the times where the soul loss occurred. She gathers the soul parts, brings them back and places them inside the person’s body. Following a soul retrieval, there is an integration period, during which the person is asked to honour and take care of their soul essence, to ensure the soul part is welcomed home.
Another aspect of soul retrieval is the activation of the soul’s memory of its life purpose. Sometimes we lose our focus in life, forgetting why we chose to be born on the planet. A soul memory activation restores the memory of our life purpose in our energy field.
The Online Soul Retrieval Course
In this immersive 5-day Online Course you will receive a soul retrieval and you will also learn how to perform a soul retrieval for others. In addition you will learn the practice of soul remembering which is about reactivating the intention for being born to this life. You will also learn how to support your clients after soul retrieval and how to work with the body. Finally this workshop will also teach you about soul retrieval for the land, buildings and businesses.

Course Cost and Dates
Time and Dates: 12:00-18:00 (UK), 14-18th January 2026 – Online via Zoom
Investment: £875.00 Deposit: £400.00 (to secure your place) Please note the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. ​
Book your place by email: info@isis-school.com Booking is essential. Maximum 6 participants

Fotoula Adrimi – Shamanic Teacher
Fotoula Adrimi is an experienced shamanic teacher and practitioner who has helped thousands of people find their calling through shamanism and alternative spirituality. She trained with some of the most well known indigenous and western shamans, including the Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman, and she is an active member of Global Shamanic Teachers. The five day soul retrieval workshop is part of the prerequisites for the shamanic teachers training.
For more information on Soul Retrieval refer to the article by Fotoula Adrimi – Soul Retrieval: An ancient shamanic practice of inner transformation

Soul Retrieval Talk and Ceremony
Fotoula was invited by her dear teacher, Sandra Ingerman, to offer a shamanic ceremony for Sandra's Transmutation News – we share this ceremony with all our website visitors with love and gratitude, the ISIS School of Holistic Health
The Soul Retrieval Talk and Ceremony features in Sandra’s Transmutation News, as well as the “Shamans are gardeners of energy” group. Fotoula was very honoured to do this ceremony and full of gratitude for Sandra’s invitation.
Here are Sandra’s beautiful words about Fotoula from the Transmutation News
“For this journey Fotoula Adrimi is bringing a huge gift of retrieving our essence. Fotoula lives and teaches In Scotland. She has a marvellous reputation with all her students. She is one of my trusted teachers, and is one of the teachers I asked to keep my work going when I am gone. I trust her so much and her commitment to responsibility, and integrity.” (Sandra Ingerman)
Soul Retrieval Ceremony
With the guidance of her helping spirits, Fotoula facilitates a Shamanic Ceremony that includes a soul retrieval healing and a re-awakening of a sense of wholeness.
This is a brief description of the shamanic soul healing ceremony: “In this video, guest presenter Fotoula Adrimi guides participants into a shamanic healing journey. The intention is to retrieve the primordial memory of wholeness and heal at soul level. Through the ancient practice of shamanism, the helping spirits offer us a ​way to retrieve the parts of our essence we are now ready to receive and incorporate into our life. This can help us walk our spiritual path and embody our light. Fotoula shares how these ancestral ways were almost lost in her Greek family lineage and voices a heartfelt invite from the ancestors for us to remember this ancient spirituality of the Earth that is part of our human heritage.”
Join us – Soul Retrieval Course