Shamanic Retreat Medicine Walk Ceremony
Thursday 9th – Sunday 12th October 2025
A Medicine Walk is a Rite of Passage, where we look to open the doors of our life to a new way of being that is more aligned with the wishes of our soul. Mother Earth, who offered us the opportunity to live a human life, is our teacher, and she speaks to us through the web of life.
Shamanic Retreat – Medicine Walk Ceremony
In October 2025 we will facilitate a Medicine Walk Ceremony in nature. At this special time of year when the veils between the worlds grows thin, we will come together as a tribe and walk the land as spirit. We will enact the rite of the Medicine Walk, the rite of the ancient walkabout, becoming one with the land and remembering that we too are nature.
The Web of Life
The Enlightened Spirit Guides say that all life on Earth and beyond is connected through invisible filaments of energy that transfers Light and information to all. This invisible web, that connects everything, speaks to the whole of the natural world. The wild is deeply connected to this web and the cycle of life, yet humanity has forgotten this relationship. The Earth speaks through this web. It is how the trees communicate, and how all life supports itself by staying in contact with this network.
In the walk we will reconnect to the Earth and the web of life and we will find answers to our questions by listening to the Earth’s voice.

When we walk as spirit, the Earth sees us and she holds a mirror for us that allows us to see ourselves. The little things we come across on our walk have a deeper meaning. We notice the animals who appear, the birds that fly so close, the trees that call to us to sit beside them, and we listen to the messages from the wind and water. We offer the Earth a day of our life to be with her as a spirit in the wild, and we heed the signs and the information that is being transmitted to us.
A Rite of Passage
The Medicine Walk is a traditional Rite of Passage in many shamanic cultures. This is the rite that enables us to become adults and elders and to open the doors of our life. This is also a rite that asks nature to teach us, so that we can find our story and the deeper meaning behind the story, and bring the teaching back to the tribe.
This Shamanic Ceremony lasts for 2.5 days and includes the arrival and preparation time, a day for the Medicine Walk, and a day of integration and of sharing the stories we encountered in the wild with the tribe.
The Medicine Walk is a Ceremony that takes us deep into our body and bones. We move our focus from our head to our feet, allowing our steps to take us to where we are meant to be. Our body, that is earth, reconnects to the invisible web of energy and follows lines we cannot see with our eyes. Our mind quietens and becomes the observer as we gather the pearls of wisdom from nature, even if it does not always understand their message. This is a journey of surrendering, trust, acceptance, and awakening of the inner voice.
The Facilitators
Fotoula Adrimi and Fi Sutherland were both trained to hold Medicine Walks and Vision Quests by the School of Lost Borders, USA, in a way that is safe, constructive, and transformative. They have years of experience of working with people and of walking their own spiritual path through countless ceremonies and spiritual and personal development.

The Venue
We meet near Dollar, Clackmannanshire, in one of the most beautiful and green parts of Scotland, easily accessible from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee. The Venue consists of two cottages with shared accommodation, and a workshop space. The nearest train station is in Alloa and the venue can be reached with a short taxi drive. There is also ample parking at the site.
Booking Details – Medicine Walk Shamanic Retreat
Date: 18.00, Thursday 9th Oct – 10.00 Sun 12th Oct 2025
Investment: £500.00. Deposit: £250.00 to secure your place (payable through bank transfer)​ Cost includes accommodation, all food apart from your breakfasts, teachings and ceremonies.
(Please note all deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.)
Venue: Shared accommodation in two cottages near Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland
Booking is essential as spaces are limited and allocated on a first come basis.
We look forward to sharing these powerful teachings with you and welcome you to this course.
Join the Medicine Walk Retreat