The Rays of Divine Consciousness
12 strands of DNA
12 codes of Power
The Rays of Divine Consciousness is a gift to the world from Archangel Gabriel and ISIS, the Divine Mother of unconditional love.
There are 12 Rays of Divine Consciousness, the same number as the spiritual DNA code, with each Ray being linked to a different strand of DNA.
This is a very profound way of working with high vibrational energy and a great gift to yourself and the world. It is an invitation to all to work with the Rays for the Highest Good of All Beings. Each Ray brings its own gifts and therefore it takes time to accumulate all these precious gifts. Archangel Gabriel has said that, “what we are receiving through the Rays is the Essence of Light.” If you would like to experience the Rays of Divine Consciousness you are welcome to take part in the monthly Rays Transmission.
Fotoula Adrimi, who has been practicing the Rays for many years, has been given the keys to facilitate these
initiations and share the meditation practices.
Fotoula Adrimi speaks about the Rays of Divine Consciousness.

Spiritual DNA Activation – our ultimate potential
The 12-stranded DNA is our ultimate potential. Our current 2-stranded DNA limits us to the physical three-dimensional reality, whereas the 12-stranded DNA links us with our Divine Consciousness and enlightened state. When the spiritual 12-stranded DNA is activated, we are assisted in our spiritual journey. We come to understand spiritual truths at a deeper level, as if we always knew them.
2-stranded DNA: the world of duality
The 2-stranded DNA restricts us to the world of duality, mirrored in the state of the collective consciousness around us. It has limited potential for lifting us out of the state of duality and experience a different perspective. It takes a lot of effort for someone who is attached to the 2-stranded DNA reality to wake-up into their spiritual nature.
It is the 12-stranded DNA that has the potential to move us out of the state of separation. When the spiritual DNA is activated and we bring the Rays of Divine Consciousness into our body through specific meditation practices, there is more potential to see ourselves in a different light. In time, we may come to understand our part in the divine plan within the universal mind of Divine Consciousness.

Channeling the Rays of Divine Consciousness
The Rays teachings and attunements were given to Fotoula by Archangel Gabriel. The process began in 2011 during a Spring Equinox ceremony at an ancient site in Scotland. Following the ceremony, Fotoula became aware of a spiritual presence around her, that identified itself as Archangel Gabriel.
The Archangel asked Fotoula to open the crown chakra of the participants through an attunement process which would link them to the Rays of Divine Consciousness. Following the attunement, ISET gave Fotoula the meditation practices that enable people to work consciously with the Rays of Divine Consciousness.
Since 2011, Fotoula has initiated numerous people through the Opening of the Crown attunement. Each time, people feel the power coming into their body, and afterwards they are given the meditation practices related to each Ray.
The Rays a Healing Gift to the World
There are 12 Rays in total, each Ray linked to a different strand of the 12-stranded spiritual DNA. Six of the Rays carry male energy; orientated to power and action, while six carry female energy; orientated towards being, stillness and expansion. The Rays spiritual practice strengthens our energy body, restructures our spiritual DNA and enables higher states of consciousness that invite changes at a physical and spiritual level.
Within our spiritual DNA exist two different powers – one is pulling us towards separation whilst the other encourages wholeness. The physical world supports separation, as we are born in different bodies, having unique life experiences. Consequently, we see the world form our unique point of view. This perspective supports the egoic self. However, our inner core is aware that we are interconnected and One with everything.
The Rays of Divine Consciousness are one of the remedies out of the state of separation into the state of wholeness. They heal the separation in our DNA and strengthen the wholeness part of the genetic code. They create powerful energy fields within us, fields of joy, grace, compassion, love and forgiveness, and take us on a profound inner journey of rediscovering our true nature. At the same time, the Rays show us where we hold negative karma and separation patterns, which can manifest as blocked energy in the body.
The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd offers a unique initiation and spiritual practice for the Rays of Divine Consciousness. Divine Consciousness, in the form of high vibrational energy, flows into the body, through the opening of the crown attunement, which takes place in a sacred site during the Rays Retreat.