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Meditations and Spiritual Practices

Meditations and Spiritual Practices

Worldwide Earth Healing Meditation

Co-creating a Network of Light

Join our global weekly meditation and support the Network of Light that is being created around the Earth

When we meditate or engage in any spiritual practice with a pure intention and for the highest good, we raise the vibration of the planet.


On Wednesday mornings from 7.30-9.00am (UK) Fotoula and Fi, the teachers of The ISIS School, invite you to meditate with them from your own home. You can do whatever meditation practice you wish and you can meditate for 30mins, 1hr or 1.5hrs. If 7.30-9.00am is not convenient for you, you can meditate at another time and intend to connect with Fotoula and Fi – our practice is beyond space and time. Together we can create a global network of infinite light that will support the Earth and all beings.​ (Note: This meditation practice is addition to the Wednesday evening ISIS Energy Transmissions of the Living Light that takes place from 19:00-20:00 UK time.) 

Dedicating your Spiritual Practice

Our combined intention for this meditation is for the highest good of all beings, in the physical and spirit realms, for all time and space, including Mother Earth and including ourselves. At the end of the meditation, if you wish, you can dedicate your practice. By dedicating, it is believed that the energy of your practice continues to work beyond time and space.


Dedication suggestion: Staying in the meditative state, place your hands in prayer position, thumbs touching your third eye and say words to this effect: "I dedicate this practice to the highest good of the Earth and all beings and in support of the Network of Light around the Earth. May all beings awaken into the Divine Essence that lies within." After a few seconds, move your hands, still in prayer position to your throat centre, and then your heart centre.  


Grounding: For anyone who wishes to be more grounded during the meditation and generally in your life: As you start to meditate, imagine that from your root chakra, you have energy cords or roots that extend deep into the Earth, anchoring you to Mother Earth. 

Meditation – Connecting to the Earth, our Star of Origin and Our Heart

guided by Fi Sutherland

The Meditation Practice


In the video above Fi guides us in a beautiful meditation practice. We begin by connecting into your body and bringing your awareness into the present moment. In doing so you intend to become the observer, the one who is aware and alive in the moment of now.​ Then, invite your spirit guides and teachers of the Light to create a safe and protected space all around you as you do this practice for your highest good.


In the first part of the practice we connect with our root chakra, and then the Earth Star Chakra below our feet so that we are grounded to the Earth.​​ Then we take our awareness to our eighth chakra, and from there we connect with our Star of Origin, the Star we originated from before incarnating on Earth. â€‹The life-force energy from the Earth and our Star of Origin flows into your heart centre. And then we focus on our heart centre and the gift that we brought to the Earth to serve the Earth before we incarnated. After meditating for a while​​ Fi gently brings us back from the meditation.


Dedicate the practice and offer thanks to the Earth, your Star of origin, and your spirit guides of the light for their support. Release our guides and ask that before they go they completely seal and protect you, your room, and your home.


Spiritual Purification Practice

A Message and Spiritual Practice from ISIS, Mother of Unconditional Love
channelled by Fotoula Adrimi 

The healing energies that are flowing to the planet right now are creating a disturbance in the light bodies of many people. As a result, some of you may feel disorientated, tired or forgetful. To support yourself you can do a cleaning practice. This will allow you to keep shedding the old etheric energies and generational patterns from your body that no longer serve you.


This cleaning process can happen by itself if you are aligned with your star place of origin, for your light bodies contain this self-cleaning knowledge. However, this knowledge may not be available to everyone, as the knowledge cannot be accessed unless people reach the right vibration. By connecting to your soul’s lineage, which is the same as your star lineage, and by meditating with high vibrational energies you can activate this self-cleaning process. See practice below.


Our combined intention for this meditation is for the highest good of all beings, physical and in spirit, for all time and space, including Mother Earth and including ourselves. 

Self cleaning spiritual practice

Practice: Spiritual Purification of thoughtforms and imprints

In the video Fotoula Adrimi guides us in a powerful self-cleaning practice. This meditation is offered by the Enlightened Spirit Beings and The ISIS School to aid your evolution through the vibrational shift that is currently taking place on Earth. You can practice this exercise on its own, or any time before you meditate. The practice can also support you if you are feeling overwhelmed by the your life circumstances, the World situation and its energies.

The Practice: Create a sacred space by inviting your spirit guides and teachers of the Light to surround you and protect you while you do this practice. State your intention to activate the self-cleaning knowledge that exists in your light bodies.


Above your crown is the eighth chakra, also known as the star chakra. Now ask your star chakra to connect to your star of origin. Wait until a beam of light flows from your star of origin into your crown and into the whole of your body. Your star chakra now projects its light and holographic image around you, surrounding you with its energy. It is as if you are in a star formation. Some people may envision a sacred geometrical symbol encompassing their body and aura. Others may feel the energy or see a colour. Whatever you see or feel does not matter, as your intention is enough.


Now the star formation that surrounds you moves downwards and concentrates around your feet and your Earth Star chakra. (The chakra that lies below your feet). Then the star formation moves upwards and is concentrated above your head. Witness this movement at least three times.


At the end the star chakra projection returns to the star chakra above your head.


Slowly come back from the practice and observe how you feel. Thank your spirit guides and teachers of the Light for creating a sacred space around you for the practice. Then release these Light beings asking that they protect and seal you and your space before they leave.


Each time you work with the star chakra you cleanse your energy field in a very deep way. At the same time, your connection with your subtle light bodies and multi-dimensional Self becomes clearer too. This enables you to glimpse a higher state of being and higher reality, and your vibrational field increases in strength.​


Remember that inside, you carry the vibration of the world and those of the many generations before you. A self-healing, self-cleansing practice of transmutation can aid your path of self-realisation and inner growth.

Fi facilitates a weekly Online Meditation and Chanting Circle on Thursday evenings from 19.00-20.30. 


The Circle is open to beginners and experienced meditators. It is an opportunity for us to come together and co-create a circle of power and light to help us raise our vibration, transform the conditioning, and embody our authentic Self.

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