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Light Activations – from the Star Beings of the Light

The Star Beings of the Light offer us guidance, attunements and spiritual practices that raise our vibration and allow us to gain more understanding of the Earth and our soul's journey

The Star Beings of the Light Speak


The Star Beings call those of us who wish to understand the journey of life and raise our consciousness by connecting with the new frequencies of Light that are flowing into the Earth at this time. They call to us who wish to continue walking the path of the heart, and they offer their support by enabling us to access our inner light and Divine consciousness.


The Star Beings are very close to us. They assist us in our path, individually and collectively, if we so wish, respecting our free will which is a fundamental right. However, the conditioning of this world, which is reinforced by our collective thoughts, actions, and words, as well as the low vibrations of the third dimensional reality, actually deny us our free will by obscuring our judgement.

The Star Beings of the Light speak

The Star Beings help us to see a bigger perspective. Their way is to elevate our consciousness and allow the light of awareness to flow into the Earth realm, through us. We consciously become channels of light.


This ability to channel light is inherent in us. Yet, the heavy energy of the Earth realm and the ancestral make-up we carry, restrict these abilities, until we are ready to open up to a higher way of being. The Star Beings say that now is the time to step fully into acceptance of ourselves as a Light Being of High Consciousness, which is what we are in our Spirit, beyond the Earth reality.

Light Activations – Three Online Recorded Programs

Star Beings Speak 1

Star Beings Speak 1: Channellings and


In this Recorded Online Program Fotoula Adrimi channels the words of the Star Beings of the Light, from Orion and Sirius, who wish to speak about our times & help us on our evolutionary path. The Star Beings Speak – "The downloads of Light Codes of Power we offer you are already in your energy field, but they lie dormant in most people. The etheric energies flow to the planet to awaken what you already have inside."

Series of Three Light Activations

Online Recorded Series of Three Light Activations

In this time of deep transformation on Earth, the Star Beings of the Light wish to offer you three activations to empower you to walk the path of the spiritual warrior, and overcome the chaos of the conditioning – the states of fear and separation that exist in the human community. You are strengthened to become a pillar of light for the New Earth that is built through the connection with your limitless wisdom and sacred heart.

Five Light Activations

5 Light Activations
in the States of High Consciousness

The Star Beings help us to see a bigger perspective. Their way is to elevate our consciousness and allow the light of awareness to flow into the Earth realm, through us, so we consciously become channels of light.


Five Modules – Five Light Activations into higher consciousness

The Light Codes of Power

The Light Codes of Power we offer you are already in your energy field, but they lie dormant in most people. The etheric energies flow to the planet to awaken what you already have inside. Some people are catalysts for this to happen and enhance the process. Fotoula is one of these catalysts. It is our wish to bring more people together and offer them the keys of power that will further unlock the human potential. This is already happening for some of you. The Path of Illumination is opening for those who wish to walk it. It is your collective wish of returning to you inherent nature of Oneness that has created this time and is opening these doors for you. May your steps guide you to your own Light consciousness.

The Channel

For a number of years Fotoula Adrimi has been communicating with Sirinian Beings; Beings of Light from the Sirius star, who are known as the engineers of life of Earth. She has also been working with ancient Light language chants, which some people will be familiar with through the Path of ISIS courses. Fotoula has been gifted information from the Sirinians in a non-verbal way through etheric energy communication. They asked her to take this work forward by sharing it with others, through Light Activations.

Recorded Activation – offered as a gift

Sirius Star activationFotoula Adrimi
00:00 / 23:51

This recording offers participants an energy empowerment through sacred sound. This is an empowerment of the spiritual DNA through codes of power. There are no words to describe what this means, our logical mind has no reference for this. All Fotoula can say is that it has been a rich and profound experience that has resulted in personal expansion, which has empowered her and her work. We have no idea what these activation sessions will mean for each participant and their spiritual work. 

Eye of Horus Symbol

The ISIS School offers this recording for your personal use only. The symbol referred to in the recording is the Eye of Horus in three dimensional form. This symbol is a Gate through which the activation of these energies is made possible. 


Please take part in these activations with an open heart and for the highest good. Misuse of these etheric energies will only harm your energy field. 


Natural Steaming Mud


Dear Fotoula and Fi   ...and the Light Beings


I would simply love to express my gratitude to you all for the gracefully powerful and deeply beautiful Five Light Activation series. A gift to behold and to receive!


with love and gratitude, Vivienne VC

The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd


March 2025 Newsletter

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