ISIS Energy Transmissions of the Living Light
Next Transmission – Wednesday 12th March
The energy of the Living Light is a Golden Ray of unconditional love. This is one of the highest vibrational energies available to our planet

The energy of the Living Light works through our heart centre aiming to align us with our soul's purpose and our blueprint. The energy also has healing benefits.
The School offers everyone the opportunity to connect distantly with the ISIS Energy Transmissions and experience the healing qualities of the Living Light. There is no requirement for you to believe in ISIS or in the Divine, to receive the healing energy and participate in the ISIS Energy Transmissions of the Living Light.
The Transmissions take place between 19.00-20.00 on Wednesday evenings (UK time). There is a Transmission of energy through a crystal grid, from ISIS and other Enlightened Beings, supported in the physical plane by Fotoula Adrimi and Fi Sutherland, The School's teachers, as well as other ISIS practitioners, who join distantly.
ISIS Energy Transmission Dates

The Transmissions take place on Wednesday evenings from 19.00-20.00 (UK time).
(If you are connecting from overseas please convert the time to your own timezone.)
March – 12th, 26th
If you find the energy transmission beneficial and you wish to make a donation, this would be welcomed. You can do this through PayPal using: info@isis-school.com
How to Connect with the ISIS Energy Transmissions
Email The School (info@isis-school.com) to let us know you wish to join in the transmission. In your email include your first name and the date(s) of the transmission you wish to connect with. Please email us before 18.00 on the day of the Transmission.
Include one short sentence about what you want the healing for, or you can simply ask for your highest good. At 19.00 on the day of the Transmission, open your heart and ask to connect with the Transmission and to receive a healing for what you want and your highest good. (The Living Light energy may take account of your wishes, but it always works for the highest good.)
Then lie down or sit in silence. It is important to avoid reading or using computers, television, radio and phones for the duration of the Transmission.
At the end of the healing, it is suggested to offer a prayer of gratitude.
The Transmission lasts an hour but you can disconnect at any time. Sometimes the energy may be strong and it is recommended that you rest afterwards, avoiding alcohol and drinking plenty of water.
This is a very high vibrational energy that works deeply within the body and mind. Some people who suffer from dis-ease may experience pain, as the energy tries to clear long-term blockages. The pain may last up to a few days and during that time it is recommended to take plenty of rest and keep drinking water.
Please note that you engage with any distant transmission or healing, at your own risk and there is no liability
for The ISIS School of Holistic Health or any other people taking part in the healing.
Instructions for ISET Practitioners
Email The School (info@isis-school.com) to let us know you wish to join in the Transmission. In your email include the dates of the Transmission(s) you wish to connect with. For the Transmission, Initiates are asked to create sacred space, smudge themselves with incense and perform the Opening of the Wings practice three or 21 times. Then intend to join with the Grid of Light and allow the energy to flow to you. The Transmission lasts a full hour but you can stop any time you wish. When you stop, close down using the symbols from the First Gate and a veil of protection.

Practitioners may also wish to request healing for friends and family who wish to connect with the Transmission, and from whom they have direct permission. If so, please email The School (info@isis-school.com) to provide the first name of the people requesting healing and the specific date(s).
After the ISIS Energy Transmission
During the Transmission, you receive a download of high vibrational energy. At the same time, spirit healers may be working on your body, whether you are aware of them or not. As a result, you may feel tired and sleepy, or you may experience discomfort. In some cases, spiritual operations may take place to remove blockages.
It is important to rest and relax after the Transmission, and if possible to take it easy for the next 24 hours. For people who currently face serious physical challenges, it is recommended that they rest for 48 hours following a Transmission. If you feel pain or discomfort, this is not unusual and it is showing that the energy is working. If the pain is too uncomfortable, you could ask as part of your intention, for a more gentle healing.

I thank you and your circle for the ISIS Energy Transmissions. I experience them as really supportive and nurturing, quite lovely. They so help me with my intention, and I am grateful. I so appreciate being able to participate.
Blessings to you both and your circle. Namaste.