ISIS Energy Healing Therapy
for Inner Transformation
Healing is the realignment of the soul with its Divine purpose
(the words of ISIS, channelled by Fotoula Adrimi)
ISIS Energy Healing: A Download of the Living Light
ISIS Energy Healing is the name of the spiritual healing modality that works with the highest frequencies of the Living Light (Divine consciousness). The energy embodies high vibrations of Divine consciousness that aims to heal us at soul level and bring us into alignment with our life’s purpose. The issues we face in our life form part of the eternal journey of the soul, through space and time. The energy healing invites us to open the doors of our heart to our inner knowing and authentic Self and embrace the soul’s journey.
As we travel through life, we can become stuck in belief systems and habits that derail us from our soul’s path, and create confusion and discord in us, and in our life. The healing(s) expand our awareness so that we can view our life from a bigger perspective, and free ourselves from the patterns of thinking and ways of behaving that no longer serve us.

​​At the same time, there is a very practical outcome to ISIS Energy Healing as it aims to bring a person’s body and spirit into a state of natural balance. It addresses many levels at once: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, the auric field, and the chakras. The energy bodies are cleansed and revitalised with the high vibrations. This allows life-force energy to flow more freely through all the energy systems.
The ISIS School of Holistic Health is part of a very ancient lineage of spiritual growth, which is at least 5,000 years old dating from the Pyramid Texts and beyond. The lineage has been re-introduced by Fotoula Adrimi directly from her Enlightened Spirit Guide, ISIS / ISET. The School holds the copyright of the ISIS Healing modality and implements and maintains very high standards. The School holds a list of practitioners who undertake healing work in this field. ISIS Energy Healing Practitioners can also be found on the Healing Practitioners in the World website
More about more about the Healing Practitioners in the World
Preparation for ISIS Energy Healing
The more you are able to prepare for a session, the more potential benefit you will receive. It is good to reflect on what you wish to achieve from the session. In practical terms it is important not to have any alcohol or recreational drugs the day before, the day of the session and the day after, as it will interfere with the energy.
Therapy Session
On the day of the session drink plenty of water.
At the start of the therapy session, the practitioner will talk with you about the issue and together you will explore possible outcomes. You will be lying down, fully clothed, on a therapy table. The therapist will give you suggestions to help you relax, whilst the energy is channelled. The practitioner may chant or tone and place their hands on different parts of your body to direct the energy.
The healing helps relax the body and mind.
Some people may experience physical sensations such as heat, cold, tingles or see colours. Others may go into a deep state of relaxation, or even fall asleep. Areas which are dis-eased, may be painful, however, the pain usually goes away after the session. All these experiences are normal and due to the energy moving through and unblocking the meridians in the body.
Energy Healing is not a magic wand. It can take several days to integrate into the body. After the healing you will probably feel tired. This is normal. In all cases, it is best to have an early night, avoid alcohol and, if possible, any form of stimulation, including television, computers and mobile phones. Drink plenty of water. If you are given specific advice or instructions during the session, these will be highlighted to you. It is vital to follow these to complete your healing process.
Energy Healing is an alchemical process that involves both the practitioner and client. The practitioner does their part and you, as the client, have to do your part for the best possible outcome. However, as with all energy work, the healing works for the Highest Good and this may be different from your intention. We cannot control the flow of life. Therefore, results cannot be guaranteed.​
Training in ISIS Energy Healing
According to UK legislation, complementary therapies are not a substitute for mainstream medical treatment. The practitioners do not claim to cure or diagnose illness.

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