Interviews and Articles
Fotoula Adrimi and Fi Sutherland are interviewed by Lisa Clifford for the Podcast Series: ”Meant for More”
​In the Soul’s Path Episode, Fotoula describes the dilemma that many spiritual people face: to follow our heart and give up our established career, lifestyle, and pension prospects, for a leap into the unknown. Fotoula also talks about shamanism and the deep calling of the soul, as well as her books that have illuminated many peoples’ perspectives. In her first book, The Golden Book of Wisdom: ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times, Fotoula speaks about shamanism and the journey of the soul through life. Her second book, Sacred Mysticism of Egypt, published by O-Books, is now available for pre-order.
​In the Heart's Path Episode, Fi speaks about the three milestones that have informed her spiritual journey. Firstly, her first awakening experience in 1995 that led her to meditation. Secondly, her decision at the age of 50 years old to follow her heart and fully commit to walking her spiritual path. And thirdly, in 2009, in Peru, Fi had a near-death experience. She awoke from a coma in the enlightened state and it is Fi’s aim to return to that awakened state through her continued spiritual work. Fi’s book, Coming Home, describes this experience and her journey of awakening.
Illuminating the Path Within – Fotoula Adrimi on Shamanism, Ancient Wisdom, and Awakening Divine Light
Fotoula Adrimi speaks about shamanism, ancient Egypt, and the spiritual seeker of our times in an interview by Katarina Todorovic, Mystic Mag Magazine. Fotoula explains the link between spiritual and personal development and how to follow a path of soul evolution through different teachings.
Fotoula Adrimi is interviewed by Alyson Dunlop on ADX Radio Station. Fotoula speaks about shamanism and her own spiritual awakening, being a channel of Enlightened Spirit Guides, ISIS and the enlightened teachings she is bringing to The ISIS School through Fotoula, as well as the many facets of work supported by The ISIS School of Holistic Health.
How did it all happen? How did a town planner from Greece break through the coffin of her conditioned beliefs to emerge and claim a pre-destined soul path spanning many lifetimes? How did the many shamanic deaths lead to a spiritual rebirthing into a life of service for the highest good through working with the Divine in its many aspects? Fotoula talks about ceremony in standing stones circles, pyramids and sacred hills where she encountered her team of helping spirits that help her walk the Path of Living Light, the path of awareness and ascension.
She also speaks about her book being a collaboration with the enlightened beings of ISIS and THOTH, and a valuable resource at this time of transition in the Earth's history during the fullfilment of the prophecy for the new Gaia.
Reclaiming the Shamanic Tradition from Chiron's Pelion mountain by Fotoula Adrimi, Indie Shaman magazine
The Snake Goddess: Earth's Universal Energy of the Divine Feminine by Fotoula Adrimi, Pagan Dawn magazine
Following the Steps of the Dark Goddess: A Journey of cleaning bones, initiations and putting the dead to sleep. article by Fotoula Adrimi, Pagan Dawn magazine 50-year celebratory special issue