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Fotoula Adrimi BA(Hons), MSc

Fotoula's Story – Spiritual Teacher

In 2006 I had a spiritual awakening. The ability to see, hear and feel the unseen worlds, that had left me when I became a teenager, returned to me, together with the knowledge and skills of healing and esoteric communication I had from other lives. Gradually I remembered lives as a teacher in the temples of ancient Egypt during the Golden Times, as well as Atlantis. I also remembered several lives when I had walked the shamanic path and it was a joy to again meet my helping spirits in this life. 


This awakening changed my life as I could once again communicate with the enlightened beings. The years in-between I lived a conventional life, graduating as a town planner in the university of Thessaly in Greece, and Sorbonne Paris IV in Paris, working in the Regeneration team in the Glasgow City Council, Scotland. 

Fotoula Adrimi Shamanic Teacher, Shamanism UK

From 2006-2007 my life went through a gradual change. During that time I evaluated what no longer served me and walked away from disempowering conditioned structures. This, I have found, is an unfolding step in our journey of soul evolution.


I am now entirely focussed on being a spiritual teacher of the evolutionary path of the soul, empowering people to expand spiritually and release the unhealthy conditioned ways that limit their soul’s expression and their wellbeing, as well as that of the planet and all living beings. Since 2006 I have trained extensively with other wise teachers, both western and indigenous, and practiced and taught the ancient wisdom. I have helped many people find their calling, and become practitioners and teachers themselves.

Fotoula's work currently centres in five key teachings of light

Fotoula Adrimi - Spiritual Teacher.jpeg

1) The Mystery School of Ancient Egypt encompasses lifetimes of deep spiritual work to awaken into our shining spirit whilst fully living in the physical reality. This work encompasses my deep memories of spiritual teachings from the Golden Times of ancient Egypt, together with channellings from my helping spirit, the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis.These courses are not just alternative history narratives, but spiritual teachings shared to guide our spiritual path in our modern times. 


There is not a day that I do not miss the life experiences in the Temples of the Golden Time of ancient Egypt. Imagine yourself being held in a place of unconditional love, where the veils that keep you away from your inherent divine connection are thin or non existent. During these times, we worked in supportive community to create a state of peace within that was then reflected into the world around us through the practice of the rule of Ma'at: The rule of Divine Justice imbued all areas of our life. We lived life with full awareness, so we could create beauty on earth. These times are no more, but the teachings they held become again accessible to us. As I share the words of my helping spirit, the Goddess Isis, I invite you to seek, as I do, the magnificent light of your spirit.


Resource: Sacred Mysticism of Egypt published by O-Books in July 2025. 

2) Earth based Shamanism: The drum is my heartbeat and the healing work a deep calling. I carry an ancient lineage through my family but I have also trained in core/classic shamanism with Sandra Ingerman and completed teacher training in 2013. I have worked with western and indigenous shamans from various traditions: Mexican, Peru, Mayan, Toltec, Native American as well as the shamanic path of the Himalayas through Bhola Banstola. I have completed eight moon dances, three vision quests and trained as a sweat lodge facilitator (waterpourer). I carry the sacred pipe, created for me by Mexican indigenous shamans. I am also a Master firewalk instructor, and in my homeland of Greece we have an unbroken sacred tradition of fire walking. The shamanic courses I share range from introduction to shamanism to practitioner and advanced practitioner courses, ancestral shamanic courses, Earth shamanic healing and sacred ceremonies and circles. I also work in shamanic healing with clients in groups or 1-1. 


3) The Priestess of the Moon™ Lineage: Together with the Triple Goddess and spirits of the Celtic land, I co-created the Priestess of the Moon Training™, which I teach with Fi Sutherland. In 2012 Fi and I were called to climb a sacred hill near Kilmichael glen. At the top we found three large stones, and a group of ancient women in spirit who called themselves the Priestesses of the Moon. These spirits showed us how women embodied their inner wisdom through the heart and acted as priestesses for their tribe. This teaching is very deep and encompasses both mystical ceremonial work and celebrant rituals such as hand fasting, funerals, name giving, blessing work etc. 


4) The Rays of Divine Consciousness is an exceptional teaching that helps us heal our spiritual DNA, raise our vibration, and become aware of the karmic seeds that we carry that may obscure our inner vision and cause the repetition of difficult events and unhealthy patterns. This teaching was offered to me in the Celtic Land of Scotland in 2012 and I have been practising and sharing it ever since through the Rays Retreat that takes place near prehistoric sites, and through the Monthly Rays transmissions. 


5) Past Life Regression: Since graduating as a Clinical Hypnotherapist from the University of West London and the London College of Clinical Hypnosis, I have found that people sometimes carry issues, patterns, and spiritual blocks from other lives into their current life. Some even experience physical conditions, the root cause of which originated in another life. I have brought together past life regression and soul retrieval and developed the Past Life Regression Therapy Course from my extensive experience of working with clients over 16 years. The purpose of this work is much more than just discovering who we were in a past life, it is to actively participate in therapeutic work and heal the past and thus our present incarnation.

In this podcast Fotoula is interviewed by Alyson Dunlop-Shanes about her personal spiritual journey and all that she is bringing forth through The ISIS School of Holistic Health

Sacred Mysticism of Egypt – Fotoula's Second Book
available for pre-order, due for publication July 2025

On 19th December 2024, Fotoula discovered that her second book, Sacred Mysticism of Egypt is featuring on Amazon, Waterstones and all major bookshops in the UK and is available to pre-order.


This book is so sacred. It is about the Golden Time of Egypt, the Satya time, a place of MA'AT – Divine Justice and Divine Order, an Era of the Divine Heart. The teachings in the book are not just an historical account but evoke memories and hidden knowledge of how we can return to those times.


Fotoula will share snippets of the book before it is released by O-Books in July 2025 through substack. (Substack is similar to a blog that you can subscribe to for free.)

Sacred Mysticism of Egypt

The Golden Book of Wisdom – Fotoula's First Book

Fotoula's first book, The Golden Book of Wisdom: Ancient Spirituality and Shamanism for Modern Times, an Amazon UK bestseller, is an epitome of spiritual learning, mysticism, and soul evolution. 


The book comprises 24 spiritual lessons taking the reader on a journey of inner awakening. Through personal stories, examples from her therapeutic practice, channellings, teachings, exercises and inspired poetry, Fotoula seeks to guide people inwards, into their own truth. Paving the road to grace through the opening of the heart, the book

is a path of purification, understanding, acceptance and divine connection.


Discover more about Fotoula's First Book

Fotoula's Qualifications

Anatomy & Physiology Diploma, The School of Health

Foundation in Classical Homeopathy, The School of Homeopathy

Introduction into Practice, The School of Homeopathy

Shamanic Practitioner, Advanced Shamanic Practitioner, Shamanic Teacher: Classic Shamanism taught by Sandra Ingerman

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Hypnotherapy with Distinction, University of West London

Certificate in Clinical Hypnosis, University of W London 

MSc in Town and Regional Planning, University of Sorbonne Paris IV, France

BSc in Town Planning and Urban Development, University of Thessaly, Greece


Professional Membership

Member, Global Shamanic Teachers network

Member of the Shamans Directory

Member, The Theosophical Society Scotland

Member, The Association of Professional Therapists and Practitioners

Member, Egyptology Scotland

Member, Royal Town Planning Institute

Fotoula – Experience in Holistic Medicine & Spiritual Practice

2024 Moondance Ceremony (8th year)

2024 Himalayan Shamanic Workshop with Bhola Banstola: Garuda, the Regal Eagle

2023 Himalayan Shamanic Workshop with Bhola Banstola: Overcoming Obstacles & psychopomping

2022 Himalayan Shamanic Workshop with Bhola Banstola: Shiva, the Destroyer

2021 Himalayan Shamanic Workshop with Bhola Banstola: Mahakala, the Lord of Time

2019 Shamanic Ceremonies with Indigenous Mexican Shamans 

2019 Moondance Ceremony (7th year)

2019 Himalayan Shamanic Workshop with Bhola Banstola: Kali Healing and Naga Nature Spirits

2018 Moondance Ceremony (6th year)

2018 Himalayan Shamanic workshop with Bhola Bastola: The three worlds and Kyla practice

2017 Plant Spirit Medicine workshop by F. Johnston 

2016 Emaho seminar in Transpersonal Psychology

2015 Global Shamanic Teachers Reunion in Joshua Tree, California

2015 Vision Quest in Death and Dying – The Great Ball court, The School of Lost Borders, Death Valley, USA

2015 – 2011 Emaho,Transpersonal Psychology Seminars

2014 Shamanic Workshop in Nepal – Himalayan Shamanism with Bhola Bastola

2014 The Moondance Ceremony (fifth year), Eva Mack

2014 Buddhist Studies: Yungdrung Bon Foundation Teaching, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche

2014-2011 Sweatlodge Waterpourer Training (completed 38 lodges as part of training)

2013-12 Shamanic Teachers training, member of, Sandra Ingerman, USA

2013 The Moondance Ceremony (4th year)

2013 Vision Quest Facilitator Training, School of Lost Borders, California

2013 Vision Quest – Death Valley, the School of Lost Borders

2012 Buddhist Studies: Yungdrung Bon LU Training, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche

2012 The Moondance Ceremony (third year)

2012 Workshop with Native American Medicine man ­– Morning Star, Scotland

2012 – 2010 Two year Spiritual Leadership Course – Sundoor

2011 The Moondance Ceremony (second year)

2011 Buddhist Studies: Yungdrung Bon Teachings, PHOWA – Transference of Consciousness, LU-TOR Nature Spirits harmonisation, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche

2010 The Moondance Ceremony (first year)

2010 Buddhist Studies: Yungdrung Bon DZOG – PA CHEN PO The Great Completion Retreat

2009-2010 Leap Programme – Advanced Shamanic Studies

2009 Buddhist Studies: Yungdrung Bon ZHI-NEY (Meditation) and CHOD/LU – JIN, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche

2009 Sundoor Master, Certificate in Spiritual Education

2008 Bon Po Buddhism teachings transmission and residential retreat on TSED–DRUB JA–RI–Ma

2008 Dip in Advanced Colour Therapy, British School of Yoga

2008-2006 Sekhem, SourceSTAR Sekhem to Master Teacher Level, Gordon Soutar

2008-2006 Archetypal Healing, Gaila MacKenzie, AESE 

2008 Spiritual Coaching and Transformational Breathwork practitioner, Sundoor

2008 Advanced Firewalk Instrusctor Training, Sundoor

2008 Shamanic Practitioner Graduation, Lendrick Lodge

2007 Shamanic Practitioner course: Shamanic Journeying, Soul Retrieval, Extraction

2007 Inner Fire Healing, Toltec Shamanism, The Toltec

Centre of Creative Intent, USA

2007 Buddhist Studies: Yungdrung Bon Mother Tantra and Foundation Teachings, Lama Khemsar Rinpoche

2007 Diploma in Indian Head Massage

2006 Counseling Skills Certificate, Glasgow

2006 Certificate in Holisic Healing, Krysalis Training, Glasgow

2006 EFT Level 1, AAMET Helen Walker

2006-2005 Usui Reiki up to Master Teacher (various teachers)

Fotoula – Spiritual Pilgrimages

2024: Iona, Scotland

2022 Shamanic Workshop Nepal – Himalayan Shamanism with Bhola Bastola & many other Nepalese Shamans

2019 Kilmartin, Egypt

2018 Kilmartin, Southern Germany

2017 Scotland – Kilmartin, Iona; Southern Germany

2016 Southern Germany

2016 Greece – Island of Delos, Santorini, the Oracle centres of Delphi and Phillipi

2016 Scotland – Kilmartin, Iona

2015 USA – Mesa Verde, Mojave Desert, Joshua Tree

2015 Lindisfarne, Kilmartin

2015 June, Nov 2014, Jan 2014 : John of God, Brazil

2014 Egypt – Giza Pyramids, Sakkara, Dashur Pyramids, Meidum, Luxor, Aswan, Philae, Edfu, Esna, Komombo, 

Dendera, Abydos, Abu Simbel (organised by Fotoula)

2014 Nepal Kathmandu Valley, Guru Rinpoche sites, Nammo Buddha, Boudhanath and Swayambahunath,

2014 Central Tibet – Buddhist monasteries, and sacred caves

2013 France – Kathar sites, Saintes Maries de la Mer, Rennes-le-Château, Carnac and Chatres

2012 China – The Forbidden City, Leshan Buddha, Eastern Tibet – Mount Emei, Buddhist caves, Taoist mountain

2012 USA – Mt Shasta, Grand Canyon, Sedona

2012 Scotland – Kilmartin, Iona, Lewis – the Callanish stones

2011 Egypt –  Giza Pyramids and Sphinx, Sakkara, Dashur Pyramids, Meidum, Abydos, Luxor (east and west banks), Philae – Aswan (organised by Fotoula)

2011 UK – Orkney, Stonehenge, Avebury, Anglesey 

2010 Egypt – Giza Pyramids, Sakkara, Dashur Pyramids, Meidum, Dendera, Abydos, Luxor, Tel el–Amarna

2009 Peru – Sacred places in Cusco, Tipon, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytanbo, sacred mountain trekking

2008 Nepal – Buddhist and Shamanic pilgrimage, trekking to Muktinath, with Nuptul Tenpei Nyima Rinpoche

2006 Pilgrimage to Egypt and Spiritual course in Ancient Egyptian Healing - Sekhem, Giza Pyramids and Sphinx, Sakkara, Alexandria, Luxor

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