Evolution of Consciousness
One of the principal aims of the ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd is the elevation of the collective consciousness, through the Six Modalities that the ISIS School offers – the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School – The Path of ISIS; the Centre for Shamanic Courses; the Priestess of the Moon™ Training; the Rays of Divine Consciousness Transmissions and DNA Activation; Meditation; and, Past Life Regression Therapy Courses​​​​​
​The main reason our world is out of balance, at a global and personal level, is that we are focused on the conditioned mind. The ego-mind supports the illusion of separation from nature, each other and our own divinity. The pollution of the Earth, political upheavals, wars, disease, human, and animal suffering are manifestations of this perspective, which keeps us trapped in lower vibrations and karmic cycles of fear, insecurity and greed.
The ancients, like many indigenous people, lived in harmony with nature and each other, recognising that negative thoughts, words and actions carry an unhealthy energy imprint, which can pollute the Earth and impact human life. We are living with the karma of previous generations, who have elevated the importance of the mind over the heart.
The biblical paradigm of the Garden of Eden exists within us all. It is a state of consciousness, which we can access through raising our vibration and opening our hearts to our Divine nature.
Elevating Consciousness – returning to the heart
In our life journey, circumstances can bring us into contact with enlightened teachings, to raise our consciousness. These doors of opportunity, appear in many different forms. They invite us to lift the veils from our heart and mind, allow the sunlight to flow in, and heal ourselves from the illusion of separation.
Life conspires to bring us in front of these doors, however, they will not open without effort and a strong intention from us. Even though we are always supported by life, we have to develop trust and work to overcome the ego-mind, and walk free of the conditioning.​

The ISIS School offers a variety of teachings both in person and online that help participants raise their consciousness and open these doors. Practicing the teachings helps people transform their personal life and raise the collective consciousness. This is done by bringing high vibrational energy, connected to the heart essence, into ourselves and into the Earth.​
In practical terms, when we engage with these teachings, the high vibrational energies flow into our body, the land, and all living beings, raising our vibration and enabling us to see the world from the perspective of unconditional love. When we live from this perspective, we change the karma of our ancestral inheritance. As we become the vehicles of Divine Grace, we view the world as a place of beauty and joy. The teachings create continuous spirals of transformation within us; ripples of awareness that carry us towards Awakening.
In the spiritual teachings of ISIS (ISET), the heart is the seat of the Divine in the body. When awakened, the heart has the radiance of 100,000 suns, transforming everything it touches.
Enlightened Teachings and Spritual Practices
The School provides an extensive programme of courses, trainings, transmissions, and spiritual practices that support people to come into connection with their Divine Self and raise their vibration.​​​
Find out more about our courses