The ISIS School Energy Transmissions
The ISIS School offers weekly and monthly Energy Transmissions. The Transmissions are open to everyone worldwide – please check your own timezone for corresponding times.
There is no requirement for you to believe in ISIS, Archangel Gabriel, the Rays of Divine Consciousness or the Divine, to participate in these transmissions and receive the energy.
The Transmissions are offered freely by The School. If you find them beneficial and wish to make a donation to support the ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd, this is welcomed. You can donate through paypal with the email address info@isis-school.com or through bank transfer.

Weekly ISIS Energy Transmissions of the Living Light
The ISIS Energy Transmissions take place weekly on Wednesday evenings from 19.00-20.00 (UK)
If you would like to connect with any of the ISIS Energy Transmissions please email – info@isis-school.com
Dates for ISIS Energy Transmissions
March – 12th, 26th
To join the mailing list and receive an invitation for each Transmission
email: info@isis-school.com

Monthly Transmissions
of the Rays of Divine Consciousness
The Rays of Divine Consciousness Transmissions take place monthly. The time shown is for the UK – please make adjustments for your time zone.
Rays Energy Transmissions (uk time)
19.00-20.00, Tuesday 25th Mar
Please note: participants engage with the distant transmissions at their own risk. There is no liability for The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd or any other people taking part in the Transmissions.