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Our Credo – Opening the Heart and connecting to all life

Underpinning the work of The ISIS School are the following principles:


  • all life is part of the One Divine Power,

  • within this manifested creation we are all equal cells of this One Divine Power,

  • unconditional love is the essence of the One Divine Power, and

  • the fundamental nature of humanity is unconditional love.

The ISIS School of Holistic Health's Ethos

The ISIS School believes that we have an inner power; unconditional love. This power is inherent in everyone, but due to karma and life circumstances, we can close our hearts and lose access to this power of Universal Love. Through spiritual development, we can slowly grow to remember the power that lies within; the grace that lives in our heart. We can become aware that we have the ability to change our lives when we change the way we think about ourselves, others and the world in general. 


This is an ongoing journey. The spiritual path has no destination. We never arrive, we are always walking. Even when we think we have opened our hearts, there may still be doors to open. We continue to learn, as love is limitless and so are we. The School’s principal gift is a spiritual discipline, the Teachings of the Living Light / the Path of ISIS. These Teachings show a way into the Heart of Creation. As practitioners of the Path we rediscover the Heart, the Divine Love that we are, and see ourselves once more as a miracle of life.

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Supporting a Spiritual Journey

Spirituality is a way of life where we learn to live from the heart rather than the ego-mind. This is not an easy path. We are asked to find our inner strength, develop our resources, trust our inner voice, and take responsibility for who we are and what we do. We are supported in this process by teachers, Beings of Light in the spirit realm, and Life itself; but we also need to support ourselves.


Many people step onto this path and everyone has their own pace of walking. As this is an on-going journey, we regulate ourselves to our own pace. However, there are some valuable principles that we can adopt that can help us. We can:


  • Examine our life to see where we hold any negative energy, patterns of behaviours and relationships that do not serve us.

  • Open our mind to learn from the Earth; our natural environment.

  • Avoid distractions, harshness and things that take us back into lower vibrations and negative thinking, 

       such as gossip.

  • Open our heart to kindness and gratitude, seeing the diamond within ourselves and in every other being.

  • Release judgement and criticism of self and others.

Holistic Healing : Working with Integrity and an Open Heart

 Becoming the instruments through which the Divine plays music

In holistic healing, we work with universal energies, the Divine Consciousness and the Light Eternal. In the world, a number of disciplines, schools, methods and ways of working with the Light have been developed. Frameworks enable practitioners to work in a safe space with confidence. However, knowledge of these methods is not enough.  A method by itself has limited value, especially when it is considered to be absolute. 


Attunements and initiations are only doors. The ability of practitioners expands the more they practice. Spirit guides and teachers of the Light, will show them how they can take the method and make it their own. In addition, it is vitally important that practitioners do their own inner work to open their heart to unconditional love and compassion for all beings.


In this respect, the School's teachers engage in personal development, meditation and work in nature, practising wisdom teachings for the Highest Good of All Beings. They encourage and support the students of the School on their spiritual and personal development path.

Our Credo, Ethos, Vision, and Donations

Vision and Donations

In 2012, the Teachers of The School received a vision from ISET and the Beings of Light. The vision showed a community of heartfelt people coming together and practising spiritual teachings to support their awakening from the veil of the conditioning,

and co-create a new reality for the Earth. 


The vision sparked our dream to create a sacred place, a Temple of Light, in the material plane, where Divine energies are anchored into the earth; a place dedicated

to the highest good of All Beings. We envisage a sacred place perhaps in a rural area, where people can come and connect with nature, and there is land for ceremonies, such as sweat lodges and vision quests. A place where we can bring the ancient Teachings of Light into the world, relevant for humanity now. 


It is our intention that this place will continue to support the awakening process

on Earth even when our own generation has passed. 


This is the dream we are holding. If you feel moved to support this dream,

you can donate through a paypal account using the email address or through a bank transfer, emailing The School for

the bank details at 


For every donation we receive, small or large, we are immensely grateful and offer blessing prayers on your behalf. 

The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd


March 2025 Newsletter

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  • Shamanic courses webpage for more details.

©2025 by The ISIS School of Holistic Health Ltd

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